The Animal Livestock Association represents the interests of the young breeders' associations of dairy and beef cattle.

In the Animal Livestock Association, the young breeders are represented in the member group dairy cattle as Verband Deutscher Jungzüchter e.V. and in the member group beef cattle as Verband Deutscher Fleischrind-Jungzüchter e.V..

Vdj Logo Mit Kuh Und Schriftzug
  • To promote cooperation among young breeders.
  • Networking nationally and internationally
  • The organisation of competitions and training courses at national level
  • To set up uniform guidelines, e.g. for the young breeders' competitions.
  • To provide a pool of judges (Holstein breeding).

Breeding organisations, young breeders' associations or breed umbrella organisations can also become members.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the BRS team:

Dorothee Warder (VdJ) (Department of Breeding and Genetics)

Phone: +49 151 58326088


Anne Menrath (VdFJ) (Department of Breeding and Genetics)

Phone: +49 228 91447 24





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